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Resumen de ¿Cuales son sus representaciones y cómo comprenderlas?: Los jóvenes y el liceo

Fabiana Espíndola

  • español

    Conocer cómo los jóvenes que asisten al liceo, se representan su experiencia en su centro de estudios constituye el cometido central de este artículo que, al tiempo que ahondar en esta temática, busca explicitar la importancia del abordaje teórico con el cual se construye el obejto de estudio. En efecto, se propone aquí mostrar cómo, a partir de un mismo material empírico, las miradas desde las cuales éste es analizado pueden ser diferentes, y por tanto se puede arribar a explicaciones bien distintas.

  • English

    There are different ways of describing and explaining the expectations young people have abourt high school, the possibilities of education in our country and the opportunities that this education has to offer them. Which are the representations that young people have about their life at high school? What lies behindtheir demonstrations of dissatisfaction about the conditions they experience? This article focuses on the representations and expectations young people have about their education and the way these representations and expectations are built. It shows the most urgent problems for youngsters and the relationship these problems have with the positions the young occupy in the social world. On the other hand, the article intends to show syntheticalli how, starting from the same empirical information, the analysis can be different and therefore very different explanations are possible.

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