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Resumen de Estudio sedimentológico de la sucesión con nuevos niveles de vertebrados fósiles del Mioceno inferior de Lardero (La Rioja)

José María Hernández Gómez, Salvador García Fernández, Fernando Caballero Santamaria, Arsenio Muñoz Jiménez, Xabier Murelaga Bereicua

  • In the Lardero continental outcrops (Ebro Basin) interesting fossil vertebrate layers have appeared that are included in the biozone Z of the Ramblian (MN2b-MN3). The sedimentary succession has been interpreted as an alluvial system with well developed lutitic sediments in the interchannel areas, and sand and gravel bodies in the channel system. Finally, marls appear as grey intercalations representing not very extensive ponds where the listed fauna have been found.

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