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Resumen de Gel de carboximetilcelulosa (CMC) a partir del bagazo de piña.

Rocío C. Antonio Cruz, Claudia Ramos, Ricardo García, Guillermo Sandoval, Lourdes Arellano

  • Currently there is a need to develop processes where organic residues advantage of plant origin, valuation alternative seems to be more economic and environmental advantages. The transformation of waste products is a way to leverage resources. Obtaining derivatives of cellulose is regaining importance, in particular cellulose ethers such as carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), which constitutes an important part and acts as thickener, suspending, protective colloids and hydrophilic agents.

    This research shows the process to take advantage pineapple bagasse is disposed, in order to form a gel of CMC. First presented as production from cellulose, later functionalize with sodium monochloroacetate (C2H2ClO2Na) and get the CMC [1], and with this, the synthesis of the gel, using glutaraldehyde (GA) as a crosslinking agent [2]. Characterizations to cellulose, CMC gel and CMC were: Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and evidence of swelling at three temperatures (35, 37 and 39 ° C) and pH (4, 7 & 10).

    The results obtained of FTIR showed the characteristic groups in the region of 1060, 1582 and 1600 cm-1 for cellulose, CMC and CMC gel, respectively. HPLC was determined by the degree of substitution of the CMC, which was 0.9, and evidence of swelling for gels of CMC were performed at three temperatures and three pH and optimum conditions were present for which a maximum degree of swelling (1800%), these conditions were: [GA] = 3%, T = 35° C and pH = 7, this gel is used in medical patches for drug delivery.

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