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Resumen de Il processo telematico italiano e il regolamento (CE) n. 1393/2007 sulle notifiche transfrontaliere (Italian E-Proceedings and Regulation (EC) Nº 1393/2007 on the Service in the Members Sattes of Documents in Civil and Commercial Matters)

Cristina Grieco

  • English

    This paper analyzes the new ltalian legislation on e-proceedings and the admissibility of the use of electronic instruments for the transmission of judicial documents in compliance with European requirements.

    The enquiry starts from the scope of application of Regulation No 1393/2007, as outlined by the ECJ in its Alder judgment. First, this paper provides an overview of the rules laid down by the ltalian Code of Civil Procedure concerning cross-border notifications, in order to analyze the impact of the legislation on e-proceedings on existing domestic legislation.

    Then, this study attempts a brief overview of the level of computerization of justice achieved by the Member States and of the initiatives undertaken by the European institutions in this respect. Lastly, the present work explores the possibility of encompassing the tools of electronic communication within the scope of application of Regulation No 1393/2007, with regard to a literal and a systematic interpretation of the relevant provisions. The enquiry focuses particularly on tbe possibility, at present, to use the tools available for the computerized transmission of judicial documents within the European judicial area and on whether any obstacles to such use are attributable to legal grounds rather than to purely technical considerations

  • italiano

    1. Considerazioni introduttive sulla sentenza Adler. - 2. L' oggetto della controversia. - 3. La decisione della Corte e l'ambito di applicazione del regolamento (CE) n. 1393/2007. - 4. La normativa italiana in tema di notificazioni all'estero e l'incidenza della pronuncia della Corte. - 5. Il processo telematico in Italia. -6.Esperienze comparate di e-justice e iniziative europee in materia. - 7. Le notifiche a mezzo posta elettronica certificata e il regolamento n. 1393/2007.

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