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Resumen de Vida postcosecha de hojas de palma camedor (Chamaedoraspp)

Leobarda Guadalupe Ramírez Guerrero, Gelacio Alejo Santiago, Ana Sánchez, Luisa Navarrete, Gregorio Luna Esquivel

  • Chamaed or eapalmisexploitedmainlyfor ornamental use. However, besidesbeingthreatened, management has established 2000, is developed Without adequate technological packagefordifferentmicroenvironmentspresent in the Nayarit area, which causes theproduction and marketing of plants are deficient. Theobjectivewastoevaluatethepostharvestlife of leavesfromplantsestablished in Furball, El Rincón del Refugio and GoldfinchTownship Ruiz, Nayarit. The variables were: number of leaflets, fresh and dryweight, chlorophyllcontent, total length of leafwatercontent and vaselife. Thedesignwascompletelyrandomizedwithfivereplications. Theanalysisshowedstatisticaldifferences in freshweight of leafwatercontent and vaselife. Theleaves of thepropertyRefugewerestatistically superior butequaltoeachother in freshweightleavesTheFurball, though, leavesthepremisesTheFurballachievedhigherwatercontent of thebiomass of leaves and vaselife. Theleavesremained more postharvestdayswereobtainedto 796 metersabove sea level and 70-80% shade.

Fundación Dialnet

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