The t(3;5)(q25;q35) NPM1/MLF1 fusion has an incidence of approximately 0.5% in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and has an intermediate prognosis at diagnosis. We have developed a dual-color, dual-fusion fluorescence in situ hybridization (D-FISH) assay to detect fusion of the MLF1 and NPM1 genes. A blinded investigation was performed using 25 normal bone marrow specimens and 26 bone marrow samples from patients with one or more metaphases with a t(3;5)(q21-q25;q31-q35) or a der(5)t(3;5)(q21-q25;q31-q35) previously identified by chromosome analysis. Once unblinded, the results indicate our D-FISH method identified NPM1/MLF1 fusion in 15 of the 26 fully evaluated patient samples. Excluding three samples with a single abnormal t(3;5) metaphase, 15 of 17 (88%) patient samples with a balanced t(3;5) demonstrated NPM1/MLF1 fusion, and 0 of 6 patient samples with a der(5)t(3;5) demonstrated NPM1/MLF1 fusion, suggesting only the balanced form of this 3;5 translocation as observed by karyotype is associated with NPM1/MLF1 fusion. Overall, the FISH results demonstrated five different outcomes (NPM1/MLF1 fusion, MLF1 disruption, MLF1 duplication, NPM1 deletion, and normal), indicating significant molecular heterogeneity when the 3;5 translocation is identified. The development of this sensitive D-FISH strategy for the detection of NPM1/MLF1 fusion adds to the AML FISH testing repertoire and is effective in the detection of this translocation at diagnosis as well as monitoring residual disease in AML patients.
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