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Resumen de Evaluación del aprendizaje y aprovechamiento académico.

Elia Ramos, María Ramos, Marta Espericueta, Cristina Cepeda, Jesús García

  • Research conducted with 30 students of Master of Science in Education UAdeC .. Instrument variables as age, sex and whether it works or not, 5 categories with 44 indicators scale 0-10 Being obtained mean, standard deviation, normal to + -. Standard deviation, correlation, 0.05 mistake. Comparison with Student t, 0.05 mistake. Academic achievement of the school record.

    Taste for assessments is similar to the stress they cause. Evaluation is not a form of coercion, it is useful, does not reflect the learning, nor are stressful. They prefer oral examinations, practical projects and research, stress is not a factor that affects the choice of the evaluation. Practical projects and oral exams reflect learning. Reflecting learning prefer assessment. Self-evaluation is preferred. Assessments are an effective way of learning feedback, do not delete or change them. Youth with high achievement: do not get stressed with assessments, considered of little value, are inherent to learning, and a means of control and coercion, written, oral examinations and presenting issues are not good assessment tools, research projects if they reflect learning, teacher evaluations, peer and self-assessments are adequate, a good evaluation of feedback. Men and women are like the evaluation.

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