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Resumen de Modernité et internationalisation

Jean-Louis Cohen

  • Modernity and Internationalization.

    It is no longer possible to conceive the history of 20th century architecture by means of the oppsition between national cultures and international configurations -whether it is a matter of a "style" or of the organizations aspiring to disseminate the modern approach. On each national scene, the opposing groups seeking hegemony availed themselves of these often distant polarities in order to consolidate their own symbolic capital. Rather than registering the esthetic "influences", a history of the relations structuring contemporary architecture must examine sets of works and speeches that were received with such intensity that this defined or inflected the professional identity of architects at considerable distances. This commentary thus concerns the concurrent and sometimes consecutive hegemonies of the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, of domestic devices in Great Britain, of the industrial then social model in Germany, of the Constructivism, then "Socialist" Realism in Russia, of Italian experimentation, and of the lyrical figures of Brazilian buildings. Implicity, the persistence of the worlswide fascination for the American model and the fetishism of the skyscraper will have left their mark on all cultures up to the present time.

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