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Resumen de Alexis de Tocqueville: Una Letter from America inédita

Fernando Caro Grau

  • español

    Alexis de Tocqueville mantuvo una muy abundante correspondencia a lo largo de su vida. Familiares y relevantes contemporáneos, no sólo franceses, figuran entre sus destinatarios.

    Sus cartas 1 ofrecen una parte esencial de su pensamiento, expuesto con la libertad propia del género epistolar, y representan una componente de primera importancia dentro de su obra literaria.

    Las Cartas Americanas, escritas entre abril de 1831 y febrero de 1832 con ocasión de su viaje al Nuevo Mundo, son un buen ejemplo. Además, por servir de referencia inmediata a su gran obra, La democracia en América, cobran un valor excepcional.

    Cabe pensar que este apartado de la correspondencia tocquevillana, acotado en el tiempo a la perfección, está bien estudiado al día de hoy. Sin embargo una carta 2, dirigida a su hermano Edouard 3 el 20 de junio de 1831 desde Nueva York e inédita hasta este momento, evidencia que no es así.

    A ello nos referimos en este trabajo.

  • English

    Alexis de Tocqueville maintained an extensive correspondence throughout his life. His family members and very important personalities, French and foreing, are included among his addressees.

    His letters offer an essential part of his thinking, exposed with the freedom that characterizes the epistolary genre and they represent a component of first importance in all of his writings.

    The American Letters, written between April 1831 and February 1832 during his journey to the New World, are a good example. Also, to serve as reference of his great work, Democracy in America, they have an exceptional value.

    One could think that Tocquville's correspondence, perfectly bounded in time, should have been well studied nowadays. However, one letter addressed to his brother Edouard from New York, dated June 20th 1831, not yet published, shows that this is not the case.

    This is the subject of this work.

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