Priscila Giselli Silva Magalhães, Rosana Aparecida Salvador Rossit, Grauben José Alves de Assis
In the literature on monetary equivalence there is a controversy about the importance of prerequisites for learning this kind of skill. One of the procedures that are used for teaching relationships between monetary values is the exclusion one. The study investigated the effect of a teaching procedure of conditional relations by exclusion on learning of monetary relations in deaf children with different mathematical repertoires. Our subjects were six children enrolled in a specialized school for the deaf, where the experiment was conducted. They were divided into two groups: children with mathematical prerequisites (Group I) and children without those prerequisites (Group II). A notebook was used with software (PROLER). Initially, the participants were exposed to pre-testing of mathematical relationships. Then, children were to match, in an MTS procedure, values in LIBRAS and prices (AB) and teaching the same relation to the introduction of the mask. Then exclusion probes were applied with monetary value in LIBRAS and prices (AB) with values untrained. Teaching between monetary values in LIBRAS and pictures of coins (AC) was conducted, followed by exclusion probes the same relationship with the values untrained. Equivalence tests between prices and pictures of coins (BC) and inverse (CB) were performed. Then there was the teaching of three relations between value in LIBRAS and facsimile of Brazilian Real bills (AD), followed by exclusion probes with untrained values. We used equivalence tests of the relationship between prices and facsimile of Brazilian Real bills (BD), prices and figures of coins (BC) and facsimile of Brazilian Real bills and prices (DB). In exclusion probes in both groups, conditional relations between monetary values have emerged. This outcome reveals that even of the initial repertoire of the participants were learning this type of conditional relationship.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito de um procedimento de ensino de relações condicionais através da exclusão sobre a produção de equivalência monetária em crianças surdas com diferentes repertórios matemáticos. Participaram seis crianças surdas distribuídas em dois grupos experimentais (com e sem prérequisitos matemáticos). Houve ensino via MTS entre valores em LIBRAS e preços (AB), figuras de moedas (AC) e figuras de cédulas (AD), seguidos de sondas de exclusão com as mesmas relações para valores nãotreinados e de testes de equivalência entre preços impressos e figuras de moedas (BC) e a relação inversa (CB). Nas sondas de exclusão, em ambos os grupos, houve emergência de relações condicionais entre os valores monetários. Isso indica que, independentemente do repertório inicial dos participantes, houve aprendizagem deste tipo de relação condicional.
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