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Resumen de La paz y la transformación de la sociedad

Luis Jorge Garay

  • español

    Ponencia del IV Congreso de Economistas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia: ponencias y comentarios. Trata sobre dos problemas; el primero es la crisis profunda de la viabilidad de la sociedad colombiana que solo puede superarse si se genera un nuevo pacto social y el segundo  es un tratamiento solamente representativo del problema de la producción y tráfico de las drogas ilícitas.

  • English

    Two problems are developed in this paper: 1- The deep crisis of the viabilicy of the Colombian society can only be overcome if there is a new social pact where social agents are committed to a ensemble of values and institutions that makes way to progress and to a democratic and equitable society. 2- The application of only a repressive treatment to the problem of the production and traffic of illegal drugs, as it happens in the Plan Colombia (Colombian Plan), is due to make the problems worst. It is necessary comprehensive strategy that guarantees a shared responsibility between the different countries and their elite.

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