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Resumen de The judgment of a connoisseur: P.-J. Mariette's annotations to the 1767 Jullienne sale catalogue : Part I (paintings)

Edouard Kopp, Jennifer Tonkovich

  • The writers examine the annotations made by famed connoisseur Pierre-Jean Mariette to the catalog of the sale of the art collection of Jean de Julienne. Mariette extensively annotated copies of the catalogs for the sales of two highly regarded 18th-century collections: that of the duc de Tallard in 1756 and that of De Julienne in 1767. Mariette's comments on the quality, attribution, and authenticity of the works, or asides about their price and provenance, are frequently essential in understanding the true content of these collections which, however prestigious, often included copies. The writer presents and comments on a full transcription of Mariette's annotations to the paintings in the Julienne sale, concluding that the annotations bear witness to his sustained practice of connoisseurship, whereby he articulated his empirical judgments on individual artworks and his keen understanding of the art market.

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