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Resumen de The Use of Vismodegib to Shrink Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumors in Patients With Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

Mina S. Ally, Jean Y. Tang, Timmy Joseph, Bobbye Thompson, Joselyn Lindgren, Maria Acosta Raphael, Grace Ulerio, Anita M Chanana, Julian M. Mackay-Wiggan, David R. Bickers, Ervin H. Epstein

  • Importance Keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KCOTs) of the jaw affect more than 65% of patients with basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS). Surgery frequently causes facial disfigurement and is not always curative. Most BCNS-related and some sporadic KCOTs have malignant activation of the Hedgehog signaling pathway.

    Observations We examined the effect of vismodegib (an oral Hedgehog pathway inhibitor) on KCOT size in patients with BCNS enrolled in a clinical trial testing vismodegib for basal cell carcinoma prevention (NCT00957229), using pretreatment and posttreatment magnetic resonance imaging. Four men and 2 women had pretreatment KCOTs (mean longest diameter, 2.0 cm; range, 0.7-3.3 cm), occurring primarily in the mandible. Patients were treated with vismodegib, 150 mg/d, for a mean (SD) of 18.0 (4.8) months (range, 11-24 months). Four patients experienced a size reduction and 2 had no change. Vismodegib reduced the mean longest diameter of KCOTs in all patients by 1.0 cm (95% CI, 0.03-1.94; P?=?.02) or 50% from baseline. We observed no enlargement of existing KCOTs or new KCOT development.

    Conclusions and Relevance Vismodegib shrinks some KCOTs in patients with BCNS and may offer an alternative to surgical therapy. These effects were maintained for at least 9 months after drug cessation in 1 patient. Further studies assessing long-term efficacy and optimal maintenance regimens should be performed.

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