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Resumen de Identifying expertise to extract the wisdom of crowds

David V. Budescu, Eva Chen

  • Statistical aggregation is often used to combine multiple opinions within a group. Such aggregates outperform individuals, including experts, in various prediction and estimation tasks. This result is attributed to the �wisdom of crowds.� We seek to improve the quality of such aggregates by eliminating poorly performing individuals from the crowd. We propose a new measure of contribution to assess the judges' performance relative to the group and use positive contributors to build a weighting model for aggregating forecasts. In Study 1, we analyze 1,233 judges forecasting almost 200 current events to illustrate the superiority of our model over unweighted models and models weighted by measures of absolute performance. In Study 2, we replicate our findings by using economic forecasts from the European Central Bank and show how the method can be used to identify smaller crowds of the top positive contributors. We show that the model derives its power from identifying experts who consistently outperform the crowd.

Fundación Dialnet

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