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Resumen de Las distintas especialidades de la Medicina Tradicional China: La fitoterapia china

Carlos Llopis, Rosa Benito

  • From the ancient time, the Chinese Medicine includes phyrotherapy as a part of his resources. In the present Chinese phytotherapy is an important subject which works with more than five thousand medicinal substances, most ofthem vegetables substances classified according to three main characteristics: direction ofhis manifestation, cold or hotnature andflavour. Everyplant worksinaspecific partofthehuman system. The Chinese physicians combine the plants to obtain effects of promotion between them. The combination of plants requires a good knowledge of their characteristics because the incompatibilities in the combimation there a plant which is the principal, called "empress plant". A plant may discharge six different clases. Animportantaspect ofChinese phytotherapyis the processing to eliminate the toxicity, orto change the characteristicsand the effects.

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