Ingrid Gomes Dias Dias da Costa, Angelita Alves Siqueira Carvalho
Studies have shown that religion is an important cultural factor that may determine attitudes and behaviors, influencing many demographic variables such as sexuality, marriage, contraception, fertility, abortion, among others. An important variable that can be influenced by religion is the use of contraception, generating patterns differentiated by religious segment. Religion has several mechanisms of influence in the lives of practitioners of a faith, among them the rules, guidelines, sanctions and coercion. This study aims to identify and analyze possible differences in contraceptive use by religions between sexually active women in the Brazil. We used data from the National Survey of Demography and Health of Children and Women 2006 and binomial logistic regression model. The results suggest that Catholic women used more modern contraception especially hormonal options. Already evangelical women used more traditional contraception and sterilization. Thus, although the Catholic Church is against the use of modern contraception, its rules do not seem to influence the contraceptive behavior of faithful. An other inference is that the low frequency on cults may generate little commitment and lead to doctrinal relativism.
Estudos têm mostrado quea religião das pessoas pode influenciar de várias maneiras asdecisões contraceptivas dos fiéis por meio de suas normas e valores, gerandopadrões contraceptivos diferenciados por segmento religioso. Este estudo tem oobjetivo de identificar e analisar os possíveis diferenciais no usode contracepção segundo religiões entre mulheres sexualmente ativas no país.Para isso foram utilizados dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde daCriança e da Mulher de 2006. Os resultados sugerem que as mulheres católicasusavam mais contracepção moderna, principalmente hormonal. Já as evangélicasusavam mais contracepção tradicional, esterilização e camisinha.
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