Hylocereus is a native American cactus of varied habits and widely distributed from the Floridacoast to Brazil. The fruit is known under several commercial and native names, but “pitahaya” or“pitaya” prevails all around. The genus contains 14 species and it is part of the subtropical andtropical American rainforests. It is common to find Hylocereus in family gardens in Central America,where it is traditionally used as food and medicine. Commercial plantations are distributed aroundthe world due to its agronomic, industrial and economic importance. Hylocereus species cultivatedaround the world are mainly H. undatus, H. monacanthus and H. megalanthus. Research relatedto Hylocereus has increased significantly in the fields of taxonomy, anatomy, physiology, genetics,biochemistry, medicine, agronomy and industry, but there is still too much to do. This documentdescribes part of Hylocereus history, technological advances and it provides perspectives ofresearch and usage of this emerging crop.
Hylocereus is a native American cactus of varied habits and widely distributed from the Floridacoast to Brazil. The fruit is known under several commercial and native names, but “pitahaya” or“pitaya” prevails all around. The genus contains 14 species and it is part of the subtropical andtropical American rainforests. It is common to find Hylocereus in family gardens in Central America,where it is traditionally used as food and medicine. Commercial plantations are distributed aroundthe world due to its agronomic, industrial and economic importance. Hylocereus species cultivatedaround the world are mainly H. undatus, H. monacanthus and H. megalanthus. Research relatedto Hylocereus has increased significantly in the fields of taxonomy, anatomy, physiology, genetics,biochemistry, medicine, agronomy and industry, but there is still too much to do. This documentdescribes part of Hylocereus history, technological advances and it provides perspectives ofresearch and usage of this emerging crop. Pitaya (Hylocereus spp.): uma revisãoHylocereus é um cacto nativo americano de hábitos variados e amplamente distribuído dacosta da Flórida ao Brasil. O fruto é conhecido sob diversos nomes comerciais e nativos, mas“pitahaia” ou “pitaya” prevalecem mundialmente. O gênero contém 14 espécies e é parte dasflorestas subtropicais e tropicais americanas. É comum encontrar Hylocereus em jardins familiaresna América Central, onde é tradicionalmente utilizado como alimento e remédio. Plantaçõescomerciais estão distribuídas ao redor do mundo devido à sua importância agronômica, industriale econômica. As espécies de Hylocereus cultivadas em todo o mundo são principalmente H.undatus, H. monacanthus e H. megalanthus. Pesquisas relacionadas à Hylocereus têm aumentadosignificativamente nas áreas de anatomia, taxonomia, fisiologia, genética, bioquímica, medicina,agronomia e indústria, mas ainda há muito a fazer. Este documento descreve parte da história doHylocereus, os avanços tecnológicos e oferece perspectivas de pesquisa e utilização da culturaemergente.
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