Shean-Shyong Chiu, Yih-Ping Luh
Shop floor information system (SFIS) stores the related activity information of the shop floor. This information is used by management in decision making. Due to lack of complete planning, it has resulted in numerous islands of automation. Traditional 2- tier systems did not scale up and it can be a system management nightmare when you deploy it beyond the departmental LAN. A shop floor information system, which is based on both World Wide Web technology and a 3- tiered architecture, is proposed herein to resolve the above shortcomings. Furthermore, other function modules on the shop floor also update the state information of the common database. In short, the function modules maintain the said information in the SFIS database (tier 3). Similarly, Tier 2 (web server) retrieves data from database and generates the web page dynamically and Tier 1 (web browser) displays the web page. Also, we discuss how to use the related technology to satisfy the real time requirement of SFIS.
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