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Resumen de SE 06. Analysis of the dual purpose cattle production system in El Vigía, Mérida, II. Functional analysis

Jose Alfredo Ureña, Manases Capriles, Betty Flores

  • In “El Vigía”, Mérida, State, 115 dual purpose dairy farms, were evaluated by Methodology “quick diagnosis of productive profiles and technological standards functionality in cattle. An structural-functional analysis were carrie out. Afterward functional analysis of the Dairy-Beef modality (LC) was done, and showed 4 groups. The most important group formed by 7 successful farms (FE) wich overcame the average of key functional variables, representing 13% of these levels, therefore considered as a advanced dual purpose.(DPA) The functional variables of better performance were: management quality, post weaned management, healht Management and milking cow managements. In the Dairy-Beef-rising (LCL) were identified 2 FE (6%), which were associated to DPA. The 7 FE Modality LC and 2 FE Modality LCL had the following quantitative terminal indicators, associated with productivity/area: 1.697 and 1.023 l/ha/year; 1.83 1.64 U.A./ha; 1.17 and 0.94 Cows/ha of pasture, respectively; and the associates with productivity/animal were: 6.04 and 4.3 L/milking cow/day; 4.1 and 2.95l/herd cow/day and 67.65 and 67.9% cows in milking in relationship to the whole of cows, respectively.

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