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Resumen de NM 01. Feed access effect on body growth, carcass and internal organs of two strains of broilers

G. Gallo, J. Melo, E.A Vilar, P. Fernández, M. C. Miquel

  • The objective of this paper was to evaluate the yield and corporal composition of two commercial strains of broilers at four slaughter ages with different daily times. Birds were 208 ISA Vedette (ISA) strain, and 208 Arbor Acres (AA) strain, feed a starter diet (23 % CP) up to the 36 days and a grower diet(21 %CP) up to the end of the experience. There were random samples assigned to three times of daily feeding: 24, 9 and 7 hours, with 2, 3 and 3 replicates respectively for each strain x feed schedule. Four random sample chicks for each pen were slaughtered at 16, 32, 46 and 56 days old, with the measuring of the folowing weights: Live weight (PV), eviscerated carcass weight (PC), abdominal fat (GA), feathers (PL), small intestine (ID), large intestine (IG), gizzard (M), proventriculus (EG), liver(H) and heart(C). Data were analized by the GLM procedures of SAS. In any case measures were affected by the strain factor (P>.05). Only in PV, PC and GA 7 and 9 had significantly differences (P

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