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Resumen de NM 24. Use of sweet potato meal (Ipomea batas (L) Lam) as energy source in the layin diet of japanese quail

Vasco de Basilio, F. Real, Maritza Romero

  • With the purpose of evaluating the effect of substituting Zea mays meal (MZM) for root sweet potato meal (MRSP) in the laying diet of japanese quail, a complete remdomized design was used to evaluate 5 treatment where substitution level were 0, 25, 50, 75, 100%Each treatment had 24 japanese quail, 9-week old. Variables evaluated were feed consumption (FC), egg weight (WE), feed utilization efficiency (EFU), internal egg quality (IQ Haugh units), during 5 periods of 15 days of egg production (EP). No significant differences (P

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