Masustegi auzoa, auzokoen artean eraikitako auzoa da, autoeraikitakoa. Lurzoru pribatuan autoeraikia, auzokoek beren gain hartu zuten betebehar publikoa, autogobernuaz, auzolanean eta elkarlanaren bitartez. Nork bere etxea ez ezik, ekipamenduak, errepideak, hiri-atondurak... guztia autoeraiki zuten guztien artean. Auzoa materialki autoeraikitzeaz gain, identitate kolektibo kohesionatu bat autoeraiki zuten.
Masustegi is a neighbourhood built by its own neighbours, a self-built neghborhood. Self-built on private land, the neighbours took responsability for this public duty by means of self-government, community work and teamwork. Apart from building their own houses, they also self-built together all the equipment, roads and every urban services and supplies needed. The neighbourhood was materially self-built and during the process a united collective identity was self-built too.
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