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Resumen de El Estado Evaluativo y la educación superior ¿Racionalidad ante qué?

Gustavo Rosales Estrada

  • español

    Se estudia el surgimiento del Estado Evaluativo en Europa y América Latina y se analizan las circunstancias, realidades, resistencias y avances que han dado origen a esta nueva tendencia discursiva sobre la evaluación educativa en América Latina.

  • English

    This paper analizes the origen of the evaluative state in Latín América and Europe: circunstances, realities, resistances and advances around this new discourse in Latín América.The questions related with the academic evaluation process, have been turned into the discussion point in terms of higher intemationai education.   The need of a complete redefinition in the relationsdiip between the State and the highereducational systems has been established.Two principal characteristics have been identified:a) The genesis to the "Evaluatíve State " on the side of public administration,b) The genesis to a "competitive ethic", as a principal development force, on the side of higher education systems.The academic terms that are favorable have three main characteristics:1. They are "a posteriori" evaluations,2. They study the results rather than the process,   and3. Their principal objective is to conduce the system development according to social national priorities.

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