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Resumen de Abastecimiento de agua potable para pequeñas comunidades rurales por medio de un sistema de colección de lluvia-planta potabilizadora

Carlos Díaz Delgado, Daury García Púlido, Carlos Solís Morelos

  • español

    Se presenta el diseño de un sistema de colección de lluvia-planta potabilizadora como una alternativa para el abastecimiento de agua potable para pequeñas comunidades rurales.

  • English

    In this paper is showed the design of a system of drinking water supply for small rural communities trough rainfall collection-treatment plant. The design of the developed treatment plant considers a consumption of 60 1/h/d. In this work the following characteristics have been retained as the representatives for a rural comunity:≤ 200 inhabitants; lack of potable water and electrical energy; to count on the possibility of supplying themselves of surface water under specific topographical conditions that they diminish the requirements of energy in the purification process. The rainwater harvesting represents a frequent scene in Latin America, and the proposed process of purification considers devices of low cost and easily operation.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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