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Resumen de Effect of platform switching on the peri-implant bone: a finite element study

Kheira Bouazza Juanes, Amparo Martínez González, Germán Peiró, Juan José Ródenas García, María Victoria López Mollá

  • Background: There exists a relation between the presence and location of the micro-gap and the loss of peri-implant bone. Several authors have shown that the treatments based on the use of platform switching result in less peri-implant bone loss and an increased tissue stability. The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of the platform switching on the distribution of stresses on the peri-implant bone using the finite element method.

    Material and Methods: A realistic 3D full-mandible finite element model representing cortical bone and trabecular bone was used to study the distribution of the stress on the bone induced by an implant of diameter 4.1 mm. Two abutments were modelled. The first one, of diameter 4.1 mm, was used in the reference model to represent a conventional implant. The second one, of diameter 3.2 mm, was used to represent the implant with platform switching.

    Both models were subjected to axial and oblique masticatory loads.

    Results: The analyses showed that, although no relevant differences can be found for the trabecular bone, the use of platform switching reduces the maximum stress level in the cortical bone by almost 36% with axial loads and by 40% with oblique loads.

    Conclusions: The full 3D Finite Element model, that can be used to investigate the influence of other parameters (implant diameter, connection, ...) on the biomechanical behaviour of the implant, showed that this stress reduction can be a biomechanical reasons to explain why the platform switching seems to reduce or eliminate crestal bone resorption after the prosthetic restoration

Fundación Dialnet

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