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Resumen de The Microscale Synthesis and Electrochemistry of Low-Valent Mononuclear Complexes (η3-C3H5)Fe(CO)3X (X = I, Br, Cl)

Enrico Mocellin, Richard Russell, Mauro Ravera

  • The experimental content of this paper will appeal to pedagogues and students who might be looking for new ideas that have an element of challenge. By combining experimental procedures which place microscale, chemical synthesis, and an inclusive, unified, product characterization in perspective, we have afforded the student the scope to obtain progressive, disciplined results and the opportunity to discuss these in the subsequent reporting. By this process, it is our experience that the students often identify with the practical work that is being undertaken, and they develop considerable empathy during their contribution to the "discovery" process that this laboratory program offers.The experimental work can be abbreviated to a single compound, subdivided into synthesis or electrochemistry, or extended to macroscale and other instrumental techniques of characterization, thus offering opportunities to accommodate time constraints, class results combination and discussion, and individual student enthusiasm. We believe that having to accept and/or constructively criticize sequential experimental results, collected by fellow students, mimics more realistically the practice of chemistry at the workplace and can build enthusiasm and elicit contagious fellowship from the class. All of these aspects can simply be achieved by utilizing the listed journals and references therein.Most importantly, it affords the students the opportunity to extricate themselves as innocent bystanders from the conventional "single experiment" practical laboratory to a path of practice and achievement in the scientific method.

Fundación Dialnet

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