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Resumen de Udalerri euskaldunen bilakaera sozioekonomikoaz

Imanol Esnaola

  • euskara

    Gaindegiak UEMAren enkarguz udalerri euskaldunetako azken urteotako bilakaera sozio ekonomikoa aztertu du hainbat arlotan. Emaitzak argiak dira, etxebizitza berri kopuru handiak eraiki dira, bertako biztanleek lehen baino proportzio txikiagoan lan egiten dute herrian bertan, gazteen artean gero eta proportzio txikiagoa da herrian bertan bizitzen jarraitzen duena. Aldi berean, etxeak egin izanak inguruko herrietatik jende ugari erakarri du, haurrak izateko adinean dagoena edo helduagoa. Azken batean, komunitate hauetan eragin handiko aldaketak gertatu direla diote datuek. Aldaketa prozesu horretan, ordea, ez da kontrol neurririk izan eragin linguistikoa zaintzeko, ez erabileraren planifikazioari dagokionez, ez harrera prozesuari dagokionez. Gainera, zenbait udalerri are egoera larriagoan geratu dira, inguruko herrietan euskarak duen egoera minoritarioagatik.

    Esandakoak ondorio sakonak ditu, egoera hauek euskarak aitortza ofiziala duten inguruetan ere gertatzen ari baitira, beraz, legedia hauek euskararen erabilera soziala nagusi den eremuetarako dituzten ezintasunak agerikoak dira. Ezinbestekoa gertatzen zaigu, udalerri euskaldunetako hizkuntza arau eta ohituren oinarriak zein diren zehaztu (aztertu, ezagutu), horien babeserako bideak aurkitu eta interbentzioak zehaztea. Hasteko interbentzio negatiboak kontrolatuz, ondoren interbentzio positiboak gauzatuz. Eta bitartean, galera nabarmenak izateko arriskuan dauden herrietan neurri zuzentzaileak erabaki eta aplikatuz.

  • English

    The Social Services Organisation Gaindegia was commissioned by UEMA to conduct a study into the socioeconomic evolution over the last few years in the most Basque-speaking municipalities. The results are clear: large numbers of new homes have been built, a smaller proportion of the local inhabitants work in the locality itself, and the proportion of young people continuing to live in the locality itself is continually falling. At the same time, the building of homes has drawn many people who are of childbearing age or older from the neighbouring localities. According to the data, changes that have had a major influence on these communities have taken place. In this process of change, however, there have been no control measures to limit the linguistic effect, neither with respect to use planning nor with respect to the reception process. What is more, the situation in some municipalities has become even more serious because of the minority situation of Basque in the neighbouring towns and villages.

    This has far-reaching consequences because these situations are also emerging in areas in which Basque is officially recognised and, as a result, these laws have revealed their difficulties in the areas where the social use of Basque is the dominant one. We simply have to specify (examine, get to know) the bases of the language rules and habits of the Basque-speaking municipalities to find ways to protect them and to specify intervention. Firstly, to control the negative interventions and secondly, to implement positive intervention. And in the meantime, to decide and apply corrective measures in the localities at greatest risk of sustaining losses.

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