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Resumen de Universalismo vs relativismo en el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos de las mujeres

Ana Lilia Ulloa Cuéllar

  • español

    Se trata de un trabajo sobre la temática género y derechos humanos centrado en el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos de las mujeres.

    Contiene tres apartados de los cuales destaca el referente al relativismo cultural. En éste se defiende la tesis de que la defensa de los derechos humanos de las mujeres nos compromete con una ética racional capaz de juzgar entre aquellas prácticas que son moralmente aceptables y aquellas que no lo son.

  • English

    In this article, it is analyzed, on one hand, the dilemma of the universal and general aspects of human rights,, and the recognition of individuality, diversity and multiculturalism, on the other. Since its core is precisely gender and human rigths, the discussion is focused on the international legislation on women’s human rights. Following Wittgenstein’s methodology, the author concludes that such a dilemma is only aparent and that we are just dealing with a pseudo problem. It should be stressed that in this text, cultural relativism is an important issue, being the thesis discussed as follows: the defense of women’s human rights demands from us a rational ethics able to determine between those practices that are morally approved and those wich are not.

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