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Resumen de Syriac–Aramaic words in an early Christian Arabic copy of the Pentateuch (Ms Sin. Ar. 2)

Ibrahim Bassal

  • español

    Este artículo se ocupa de las voces siriaco arameas incluidas en las primeras copias del Pentateuco (ms. Sin. ar. 2) del siglo X, que fueron traducidas a partir de la Peshīṭtā. Uno de sus reasgos más característicos es la existencia de residuos siriaco-arameos, especialmente en las palabras siriaco-arameas que no son comunes al árabe.

  • English

    This article deals with Syriac Aramaic words that exist in an early Arabic copy of the Pentateuch (Ms Sin. Ar. 2) from the 10th century that were translated from the Peshīṭtā. One of the features that characterize these words is the existence of Syriac-Aramaic remnants, especially in the Syriac-Aramaic words that are not common in Arabic.

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