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Resumen de The Influence of Higher Education Institutions on the Sustainability of ICT4D Initiatives in Underserved Communities

Maureen Tanner, Andries du Toit

  • ICTs should be used to narrow the digital divide that exists between advantaged and underserved communities. Given South Africa(SA)’s socio-economic legacy, higher education institutions(HEI) were tasked by Government to make social responsiveness a key principle of their mandate. This study identified factors hindering and promoting sustainability in ICT4D initiatives and analysed how HEIs influence the sustainability of such initiatives. A case study was conducted in a telecentre from an underserved community in Cape Town(SA). Through its findings, the study can promote the positive influence of HEIs on the sustainability of ICT4D initiatives and further increase the positive impact of these initiatives on the community.

Fundación Dialnet

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