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Resumen de La protección del patrimonio cultural: un estudio comparativo de la normativa de Cuba y de la Comunidad Valenciana (España)

Francisca Ramón Fernández

  • The cultural heritage represents one of the principal signs of identity of a territory.

    The goods that integrate it have a special relevancy inside the culture and constitute an incalculable legacy, which conservation and enrichment is protected by the legislation. In the present work there are studied the principal instruments of protection of the cultural heritage, so much in the legislation of Cuba, since in the autonomous Valencian legislation. The above mentioned goods have a historical, artistic, architectural, archaeological, paleontological, ethnological, documentary, bibliographical, scientific or technical value. One is going to pay particular attention to the figure of the Cultural Property, so much material, since immaterial, as well as the Cultural Property called of Local Relevancy. One tries to find the points of connection between both regulations, as well as the principal differences between the same ones. Finally, one will refer to certain practical representative cases of each one of the legislations.

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