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Resumen de A Council on Undergraduate Research Workshop Initiative To Establish, Enhance, and Institutionalize Undergraduate Research

Kerry K. Karukstis

  • Undergraduate research is a proven and powerful pedagogy, and the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is structured to provide faculty support to disseminate this practice. The primary goal of a new National Science Foundation Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement Phase 2 initiative is to share successful models of collaborative student-faculty undergraduate research and assist departments and institutions to take initial steps in establishing, formalizing, and expanding undergraduate research opportunities. To meet this project goal, CUR will conduct a series of regional workshops at host institutions in several geographic regions throughout the country during the three-year term of the award. In particular, the project will encourage and support networking and community-building among faculty and institutions within a geographic region in an effort to increase the interaction and shariang of ideas.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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