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Resumen de Albania: : Parliament approves guarantee agreement on loan for financing public broadcaster building of digital networks

Ilda Londo

  • On 2 July 2015, the Parliament approved in its plenary session Law no. 65/2015 “On tax exemptions and immunity for a guarantee agreement on a loan for financing digital networks DVB-T2 of the public radio-television broadcaster RTSH.” (Ligji nr. 65/2015 “Për miratimin e përjashtimeve nga taksat dhe të parashikimeve për heqjen dorë nga imuniteti i kushtëzuar, sipas marrëveshjes së garancisë, në lidhje me marrëveshjen e huas, për financimin e zbatimit të projektit për ndërtimin e rrjeteve numerike (digjitale) DVB-T2 të transmetuesit public (RTSH). The law was approved by the governing majority of the Parliament with 77 votes in favour of the law, while the opposition abstained, both in the parliamentary commission discussions and in the plenary session

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