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Resumen de Italy: : New regulation on protection of customers in the supply of electronic communications services

Ernesto Apa, Fabiana Bisceglia

  • On 5 October 2015, the Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority - AGCOM) issued Resolution no. 519/15/CONS on protection of customers in connection with contracts relating to the supply of electronic communication services.

    According to Articles 70 and 71 of Legislative Decree no. 253 of 1 August 2003, electronic communications providers must adopt all measures necessary to provide customers, in a clear and detailed manner, with the information required by law, particularly in case of distance contracts and off-premises contracts.

    The Regulation is aimed at (i) implementing the abovementioned statute provisions; (ii) protecting a customer’s right to choose freely the provider of the service; and (iii) preventing activations not requested by customers or based on incomplete or misleading information

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