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Resumen de "Ikasleari komunikatzeko behar dituen tresnak ematea dagokigu. Arlo ezberdinetatik, gainera" elkarrizketa

Mikele Aldasoro Agirre (entrevistado), Josune Zabala Alberdi (entrev.)

  • English

    Ever since the Association of Ikastolas (Basque-medium schools) presented the Education Project of the Basque Curriculum Project (2005) ten years ago, Mikele Aldasoro has been working hard helping to build and develop the new model that takes basic competences as the reference. She is in no doubt that the building of the education model will advance once the interaction between the theoretical perspective and classroom practice has been understood. She values the group more than individual work: “we are a powerful group that builds and creates" and she experiences the life that emerges in the interaction between the participants in the education system. She told us more about what she does than about what she knows when reporting on how the “learning to communicate” competence is being developed through the EKI project.

  • euskara

    Orain hamar urte Ikastolen Elkarteak Euskal Curriculumaren egitasmoa (2005) Hezkuntza proiektua aurkeztu zuenetik buru-belarri dihardu lanean Mikele Aldasorok, oinarrizko konpetentziak ipar modura hartzen dituen eredu berria eraiki eta garatzen laguntzen. Argi du ikuspegi teorikoa eta gelako praktika elkarreraginean ulertuz egingo dela aurrera hezkuntza ereduaren eraikuntzan. Banakako lanetik harago balioesten du taldea: "talde egile, sortzaile potente bat gara" eta hezkuntza sistemako partaideen elkarreraginean sortzen den bizia bizi du. Dakienaz baino gehiago, egiten duenaz jardun zaigu "komunikatzen ikasi" konpetentzia EKI egitasmoaren bitartez nola lantzen den kontatzen.

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