Guicela Ramírez Bernal, Alma Virginia Lara Sagahón, Carlos Gerardo García Tovar, Efrén Díaz Aparicio, Víctor R. Tenorio Gutiérrez
Se evaluó la virulencia de cepas de Listeria monocytogenes todas de serotipo 4b procedentes de cabras y sus derivados. Se observaron niveles de virulencia variables cuando se comparó la virulencia relativa (porcentaje de letalidad) en ratones BALB/c inoculados vía intravenosa o intragástrica y su capacidad para infectar macrófagos J774A.1, y células epiteliales Caco-2. Dos cepas obtenidas de alimento de cabras produjeron 100 % de letalidad por ambas vías de inoculación y no mostraron diferencia significativa con la cepa testigo (P>0.05) respecto al porcentaje de invasión y a los parámetros de la cinética de crecimiento cuadrática observada en ambas líneas celulares. Si bien todas las cepas lograron invadir las células Caco-2, solamente algunas consiguieron invadir el bazo después de la inoculación por vía intragástrica. Las dos cepas provenientes de alimento de cabras fueron las más virulentas, representando un riesgo para la salud humana y animal, ya que pueden ser diseminadas en el hato y de este a otras explotaciones o a las instalaciones donde se elaboran alimentos.
The virulence of 12 Listeria monocytogenes strains from goat and goat by-products was evaluated. Variable virulence levels were found when compared the relative virulence (mortality, %) and the ability to grow infect the spleen of BALB/c mice inoculated intravenously or intragastrically. Two strains from feed produced 100 % mortality, by either inoculation route and seven strains, including those from feed, infected the spleen with both inoculation routes. A strain inoculated intravenously without causing death in the mice produced spleen counts similar to those obtained in dead mice, this could indicate that a high count of the microorganism in the spleen not necessarily ensures its virulence. We also tested the capacity to infect J774 macrophages and Caco-2 epithelial cells, finding higher invasion and intracellular growth in Caco-2 with respect the macrophages and showing quadratic growth kinetics in both cell lines. Only the two feed strains did not show a significant difference from the control strain (P>0.05) regarding kinetic parameters and invasion percentage in both cell lines. Although all isolates were able to invade Caco-2 cells, not all isolates were able to invade the spleen after the intragastrically inoculation. Two goats feed strains were the most virulent, representing a risk for animal and human health.
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