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Resumen de Reliable Knowledge and Habits of the Mind: Factors Inhibiting and Facilitating Farmers’ Adaptations to Energy Constraints

Breana Bennett, Mark Haggerty, Stephanie Welcomer, John Jemison

  • Instantiated patterns of oil-based energy use have been difficult to change across sectors and societies. Although faced with price increases, diminishing supplies, and climate externalities, many sectors still depend on oil-based energy and have not fully adapted to changing resource conditions. Using a theoretical approach of institutional change, we offer a fine-grained analysis of factors limiting and facilitating energy adaptations. In this case study of farmers in Maine, we identify patterns in their perceptions of the macro-energy environment, adaptation strategies, and anticipated energy challenges. We segment the farms into groups representing small diversified farms and larger commodity farms, and investigate within and across farm sectors to understand farmer strategies for responding to changing energy prices. Significant differences in customs and beliefs, perceptions, and intended institutional changes are found between the small diversified and the larger commodity farms. The ability of farms within these sectors to successfully integrate positive institutional change will determine their possibility to evolve as sustainable enterprises.

Fundación Dialnet

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