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Resumen de Botryosphaeriaceae species affecting table grape vineyards in Chile and cultivar susceptibility

Mónica Andrea Morales G., B. A. Latorre, Eduardo Piontelli, Ximena Besoain

  • español

    Diversas especies de Botryosphaeriaceae se han identificado como causantes de cancros y muerte regresiva en Vitis vinifera en diferentes regiones donde se cultivan vides en el mundo. Esta investigación tuvo el propósito de determinar nuevas especies de Botryosphaeriaceae asociadas a uva de mesa en Chile, determinar la incidencia y severidad de las especies de Botryosphaeriaceae asociadas al decaimiento de vides, evaluar la susceptibilidad de cultivares y determinar el efecto de la edad del tejido en el desarrollo de cancrosis y necrosis vascular. Los síntomas observados se caracterizaron por la presencia de brotes débiles y decaimiento generalizado de las vides. Internamente, se observaron cancros de color café en forma de o "U" ó de "V" y estrías necróticas vasculares. Aislados patogénicos de Diplodia seriata, D. mutila y Spencermartinsia viticola se obtuvieron consistentemente desde cancros en la madera y/o estrías vasculares, siendo D. seriata la especie más frecuentemente aislada (83,3%). En parronales de uva de mesa de 11 a 20 años de edad, la incidencia de la enfermedad varió entre un 22,0 a un 69,0%, y la severidad entre 6,0 y 21,8%. Los cultivares de uva de mesa 'Thompson Seedless', 'Redglobe' y 'Flame Seedless' fueron igualmente susceptibles a infección por D. mutila, D. seriata y S. viticola. La edad de los tejidos inoculados no tuvo un efecto significativo en el desarrollo de la necrosis. Estos resultados constituyen la primera mención de D. mutila y S. viticola en vides en Chile.

  • English

    Several Botryosphaeriaceae species have been identified as the causes of cankers and dieback of Vitis vinifera in several grape-growing regions around the world. This research was conducted to further study the species of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with table grapes in Chile, to estimate the prevalence and severity of the disease as a function of vineyard age, to study the susceptibility of table grape cultivars to infection by Botryosphaeriaceae species, and to evaluate the effect of tissue age on the infection caused by Botryosphaeriaceae species. Symptoms were characterized by the presence of the partial or total death of the grapevine cordons and distorted leaves. Brown V-shaped or U-shaped cankers and black spots were observed in cross-sections, while brown vascular streaks were observed in longitudinal sections of the cordons and trunks. Pathogenic isolates of Diplodia seriata, D. mutila and Spencermartinsia viticola were consistently obtained from wood cankers and/or vascular streaking; D. seriata was the most common (83.3%) Botryosphaeriaceae species. In 11- to 20-year-old vineyards, the disease incidence varied between 22.0 and 69.0%, and the severity varied between 6.0 and 21.3%. The table grape cultivars 'Thompson Seedless', 'Redglobe' and 'Flame Seedless' were equally susceptible to infection by D. mutila, D. seriata and S. vitícola. The age of the inoculated tissue had no significant effect on the development of the vascular necrosis. This is the first report of D. mutila and S. viticola infections of grapevines in Chile.

Fundación Dialnet

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