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Resumen de Zarata da garaipena? Kapitalismo bizkortua eta bere soinu banda(k)

Ion Andoni del Amo Castro, Arkaitz Letamendia Onzain

  • euskara

    Modernitatearen helburua artelan totalak garatzea zen, bere garaiaren esentzia antzematen zutenak. Beethovenen “Sinfonia Heroiko” artelan musikala dugu honen adibide: soinu totala. Bestetik, XX. mendearen hasieran italiar futuristak zarataren artearen etorrera sumatzen hasi ziren; hiriko eta industria paisaiaren abiadura, energia eta zarata aldarrikatuz. Kapitalaren errotazio abiaduraren bizkortzearekin batera, musikaren erritmoa ere azeleratu egin da. Musika industrialak, elektronikoak eta punkak bere garaiko zarata (eta abiadura) hartzen dute oinarri. Zarata hauek soinu izan nahi dute, garaiko inkomunikazioa bada ere komunikatzen dutena: zarataren soinua. Egungo kapitalismo azeleratuak denbora historikoaren zatiketa dakar, logika postmodernoaren bitartez produktu kulturalen hustuketa sustatuz. Musikan diskoaren narratibaren aurrean zatiketa nagusituz doa; abesti solteak, bere testuinguru orokorretik erauziak. Deskonexioa ultra konexioaren garaian: zarata totala.

  • English

    The goal of the modernity was to develop total artworks, able to reflect the essence of their time. Beethoven’s “Eroica” could be considered as an example of it: Total Sound. At the beginning of the 20th century Italian futurists perceived the arrival of the Art of the Noise; they claimed for the velocity, the energy and the noise of the city and the industrial landscape. Together with the acceleration of the rotation of the Capital, the rhythm of the music itself also gets accelerated. Industrial, electronic and punk musics express the noise (and the velocity) of their own time. But this noise wants to become sound, even if it is the lack of communication what it wants to communicate: the Sound of the Noise. Today’s accelerated capitalism results in the fragmentation of the historical time, and together with its postmodern logic, the cultural products get empty. The musical narrative of the full disc splits up: isolated songs emerge, away from their own context. Disconnection in the ultra connection era: Total Noise.

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