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Resumen de Consideraciones relativas al coeficiente de fineza "A" caso de un equipo de control clásico y la correspondencia con su número "n" de escalones

Alfonso Garrido Entrena

  • By purity of impulse is understood the relation between two successive grades, of the same.

    The force of heel defines directly the maximum load of impulse in a determined slope with a previously fixed velocity and the force for a coefficient of given adherence.

    In order that, during the impulse, the value of the intensity is maintained within the previously fixed limits, the values of and "n" may not be any number.

    If the values of A and "n" are not stated, solutions will be reached of the form (A, n) result which in coordinates (n, A) will allow a curve of the solutions n (A) to be drawn, where the most convenient can be chosen.

    If the value of n is stated the curves y/A and z/(A) will be obtained, then the abscissa of the points of intersection of the curves will give the solution.

    The same occurs when the value of A is stated, to obtain that of n.

    When the values of "n" and of A, as well of those of the resistances have been determined correctly, it can be achieved that during the impulse the intensity varies always within the same limits.

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