La medicina y las nuevas tecnologías han revolucionado la vida humana en todas sus facetas temporales; en la actualidad, el bioderecho presta especial atención a los problemas de la genética, sobre todo al mejoramiento humano, (enhancement), como un posible resultado de la biotecnología. Este trabajo tiene por objeto reflexionar sobre los límites de esta técnica y verificar si algunos supuestos son incompatibles con el valor supremo de la dignidad humana y otros principios generales.
Actually, biolaw research is interested in studying the genetic, especially the problems related to the use of the biotechnological instruments for the human enhancement, thanks to the transfer of genetic material intended to modify human traits. However, there are many enhancement interventions, and it is very important to consider the normative questions raised by such prospects. This paper would like to verify the limits to the recent developments in medical genetics, in order to the law regulation and in the light of the general principles of the legal system order, as the human dignity. In same case, as the genetic doping, the enhancement seems contrary to the general principles of law and also of the sport law as the fair play principle.
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