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Resumen de La influyencia de la "concordancia continua" del asturianu nel castellanu faláu n’Asturies

Andie Faber

  • asturianu

    L’Asturianu espón un patrón de concordancia colos sustantivos non cuntablesque nun s’atopa nel castellanu estándar; sicasí, puede atopase esti fenómenu nelcastellanu faláu n’Asturies. Nesti trabayu, propongo un analís del trazu «noncuntable» con un marcu lexicalizáu, basáu nun mecanismu d’unificación segúnel modelu de la Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG). La ventayad’esti marcu ye que nos dexa dixebrar la concordancia morfosintáctica (glotolóxica)de la concordancia semántica (referencial). Ya que’l trazu «non-cuntable» yesemánticu, propongo añedir el trazu contabilidá (coun) a la categoría de index(índiz) onde moren los trazos semánticos. El valor d’esti trazu puede ser cuntableo non. La concordancia prenominal n’asturianu fórmase al traviés d’unificar losvalores de dos elementos na categoría de concord, onde moren los trazos morfosintácticos.Desque coun nun ye un trazu de concord, nuesu marcu presumecorreutamente que’l trazu nun puede espresase nes posiciones prenominales. Laconcordancia pos-nominal faise al traviés de los valores nel index. Asina, el valorde coun puede espresase nes posiciones pos-nominales. Amás, esti analís presumecorreutamente que nos casos d’un nominal nulu, tolos elementos nel sintagmanominal esponen la concordancia continua dende que nun hai una estructura esplícitade concord pa compartir nestes estructures. A lo último, esti tratamientudel fenómenu déxanos esplicar el patrón d’interferencia que vemos con esti trazuente l’asturianu y el castellanu.

  • English

    Asturian exhibits a unique agreement pattern with mass nouns that is notfound in Standard Spanish; however, this phenomenon can found in Spanishspoken in Asturias. In this investigation I propose an analysis of the mass featureusing a lexicalized, unification-based approach based on the Head-driven PhraseStructure Grammar (HPGS). The advantage of this approach is that it allows usto separate morphosyntactic (grammatical) and semantic (referential) agreement.Since mass is a semantic concept, I propose the addition of the feature countability(coun) to the index, where semantic features reside. This feature’s values can beeither countable or non. Prenominal agreement in Asturian is formed by unifyingtwo elements’ values in concord, where morphosyntactic features reside. Seeingthat coun is not a feature of concord, this correctly predicts this feature cannotbe expressed in prenominal positions. Postnominal agreement is formed throughthe values in index. This allows the value of coun to be expressed in postnominalpositions. Additionally, this analysis correctly predicts that in cases of an elidedmass noun, all elements in the NP exhibit mass agreement, as there is no explicitconcord structure which can be shared. Finally, this treatment of mass agreementallows us to account for the patterns of interference we see with this feature between Asturian and Spanish.

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