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Resumen de La coordinación del transporte en las grandes áreas urbanas

Eduardo Nuez Cañibano

  • The future framework-law for the public transport will consider the creation of a transport consortium, which will coordinate the means of public transportation in urban areas. This transport consortium is a legal entity, whose functions will be, mainly those of organization and planning of the public transport system.

    This coordination can be done by four ways: tariffing associations, transports corporation, transports federation and merging of companies.

    The organization of a consortium demands the choice of a management model which will create the less problems as possible, and the fixation of the responsibilities of each company. In order to do this, we must study the solutions adopted by other cities, and get the benefit of its experiences.

    The coordination must resolve many aspects of public transportation, but the most importan for the passenger are the tariff organization so that it could be possible to travel with a simple ticket in all the urban area (and with a competitive price), and the information that he receives. Besides, it must include urban and suburban transports.

    At the moment, only fifteen of the sixty cities that have a metro system (and so, therefore, they have, at least, two means to coordinate) have a combined metro-bus ticket, and only five of these cities make applicable this ticket to suburban rails. In this article, the most important actions made in different cities in order to extend the existing coordination rate, are described so to define the different possibilities of action and to collect information of the results of each experience.

    Finally, a transport consortium must organize and plannify the public transport system in a metropolitan area; it must include urban and suburban transportation companies; it must create a public tariff system (the ideal solution is the zonal-unified tariff). The single enterprise system is not the most suitable one, but if it is established, it must have unity of tariffs, and the consortium must have its own financing sources, independently of the subsidies that it could have.

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