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Resumen de Data processing with Pandas

David Beazley

  • In most of my past work, I’ve always had a need to solve various sorts of data analysis problems. Prior to discovering Python, AWK and other assorted UNIX commands were my tools of choice. These days, I’ll mostly just code up a simple Python script (e.g., see the June 2012 ;login: article on using the collections module). Lately though, I’ve been watching the growth of the Pandas library with considerable interest.

    Pandas, the Python Data Analysis Library, is the amazing brainchild of Wes McKinney (who is also the author of O’Reilly’s Python for Data Analysis). In short, Pandas might just change the way you work with data. Introducing all of Pandas in a short article is impossible here, but I thought I would give a few examples to motivate why you might want to look at it.

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