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Resumen de Biblioteche e bibliotecari di fronte alle sfide globali.: Intervista a Eric Van Lubeek.

Anna Galluzzi

  • Eric Van Lubeek is OCLC VicePresident, as well as managing director of the EMEA (Europe, Middle-East and Africa) and APAC (Asia-Pacific) Regional Councils. In the occasion of his visit to Italy, Anna Galluzzi interviewed Van Lubeek in order to submit a few questions concerning the main challenges libraries and librarians need to face nowadays: the role of physical libraries in an environment where access to information is mainly digital; the similarities and differences in national and supranational policies concerning Western and Eastern libraries; the strategies needed to relaunch bibliographic data in a global digital context; the relationships between libraries and the other key players in the information and knowledge realm; the challenges raised by ebooks; the librarians' competences.

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