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Resumen de I "motori di raccomandazione".: Omnipresenti in Internet e del tutto assenti dalle biblioteche: ecco qualche ragione per cui domani non potremo farne a meno

Gabriele Nuttini

  • Recommediation engines are very common in the Web, but still not used and known in library world. Since the Google’s introduction in 2009 of the personalized search, the filtering techniques have become more common, and are, nowadays, widespread all over the web. So it is common sense now to understand that what we see, find and browse on the web and also what is hidden, is the result of a technological intervention. The article shows how recommendation engines might be applied to the library sector, offering the chance to better serve the needs of the patrons, while they search or browse a library catalogue or a digital library service and showing which algorithms are the basis of this technology.

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