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Kirol ez-profesionala babesteko arrazoiak: lau euskal enpresaren kasua

    1. [1] UPV/EHU
  • Localización: Uztaro: giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria, ISSN 1130-5738, ISSN-e 3020-5115, Nº. 97, 2016, págs. 17-28
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Reasons for sponsoring non-professional sports: the case of four basque firms
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      Sport Sponsorship has noticeable risen in recent years. Based on the image ofsports stars, many companies have achieved different types of benefits. Likewise, sport sponsorship in non-professional sports has also increased. However, companies that invest in non-professional sports remain quite far away in terms of visibility and profitability levels comparing to high-level sports. Therefore and due to the research gap in non-professional sport sponsorship, this study investigates the case of four companies, with the aim of identifying the causes that push companies to invest in non-professional sports sponsorship. According to this study, brand awareness and customer reaching, customer loyalty and a proper positioning achievement, are the reasons for investing in non-professional sports. On the other hand, some other potential benefits, like tax benefits and the development of relations with public entities, do not have sufficient weight neither attractiveness to invest in non-professional sponsorship

    • euskara

      Kirol-babesletzak gorakada nabarmena izan du azken urteotan. Kirol-izarren irudiari esker, enpresa askok era askotako etekinak lortu dituzte. Halaber, kirol ez-profesionala babestearen alde enpresek eginiko hautuak gora egin du. Halere, kirol ez-profesionalean inbertitzen duten enpresak urrun geratzen dira goi-mailako kirolak emaniko ikusgarritasun-mailatik zein errentagarritasunetik. Hargatik, bai eta ikerkuntza-arloan dagoen hutsunea betetzearren ere, azterlan honek lau euskal enpresa ikertu eta kirol ez-profesionalaren babesletza jorratzeko dituzten arrazoiak identifikatzea izan du xede. Azterlan honen arabera, hauek dira kirol ez-profesionala babesteko arrazoiak: marka ezagutarazi eta bezeroak lortzea, bezeroak fidelizatzea eta posizionamendu egokia lortzea. Bestalde, balizko beste onura batzuek, hala nola abantaila fiskalak lortzeak eta erakunde publikoekiko harremanak garatzeak, ez daukate babesletza abian jartzeko adina pisu ez erakargarritasun.

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