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Resumen de L’impatto del web 2.0 sul marketing delle piccole imprese alberghiere

Tonino Pencarelli, Marco Cioppi, Fabio Forlani

  • The tourism sector is undergoing an important evolution with the development and dissemination of web 2.0 technologies. For this reason, it is useful to understand how social networks (that permit sharing, joint planning and customers and stakeholders’ participation in value creation) are changing marketing processes of small businesses. This article investigates adoption and utilization of Web 2.0 in small hotels located in an Italian seaside destination. Research was conducted through a qualitative analysis of 8 case studies selected according to their on-line reputation defined by a specific indicator (INOH). The multicase study analysis allows to investigate the impact of Web 2.0 on marketing processes of small business hotels, with particular attention to the role played by the entrepreneur. He adopts an entrepreneurial approach to marketing that involves the use of social media, even in cases when he does not master the technology. The instinct, intuition and social skills of entrepreneurs allow them to use Web 2.0 as a platform to manage marketing processes according to a strategic and holistic perspective, although often in a non-systematic and not professional manner. Therefore, it could be argued that are many opportunities for improvement the use of web 2.0 in marketing processes of small hotels.

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