María C. Araya, Lepolt Linkimer, Waldo Taylor
En este estudio se calcula un modelo mínimo de velocidades para la Cordillera Volcánica de Guanacaste a partir de 475 sismos locales registrados por el Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico Arenal Miravalles (OSIVAM) entre enero del 2006 y julio del 2014. El modelo consta de seis capas desde la superficie hasta 80 km de profundidad y posee velocidades que varían entre 3,96 y 7,79 km/s. Las correcciones para las estaciones obtenidas varían entre -0,28 a 0,45 y muestran una tendencia de valores positivos sobre el arco volcánico y negativos en el antearco, en concordancia con el espesor de la corteza. La relocalización de los sismos muestra tres grupos principales de epicentros
In this study a minimum 1D model for the Guanacaste Volcanic Arc (CVG) is derived from 475 local earthquakes registered between January 2006 and July 2014 by the Arenal-Miravalles Seismological and Volcanic Observatory (OSIVAM). This velocity model has six layers and covers from the surface to a depth of 80 km. The model has velocities from 3.96 to 7.79 km/s from top to bottom. The station corrections obtained range between -0.28 and 0.45. These corrections show a trend with positive values located over the volcanic arc and negative values located on the forearc, in agreement with the crustal thickness. Three main seismicity clusters were acknowledged from the earthquake relocations, which may be associated with activity on inferred faults. The obtained one dimensional velocity model displays a simplified version for the crustal structure and aim to improve the earthquake location processes performed by the OSIVAM.
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