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Resumen de Tectónica extensional cretácica en la subcuenca de Oliete (Cordillera Ibérica central)

Ana Rosa Soria de Miguel, Alfonso Meléndez Hevia, Carlos Luis Liesa Carrera

  • The control of the extensional tectonics on the geometry of the Oliete Subbasin during Early Barremian-Basal Aptian (Early Cretaceous) is examinated. Both, the main NW-SE trending of the basin, its asymetrical geometry and the location of the depocenters was controlled by the reactivation of NW-SE and NE-SW Late Variscan faults, and the formation of new faults. We propose that the general geometry of the basin is controlled by a flexion in the cover, with some associated minor normal faults. The southwestern margin of the basin was probably related to the reactivation of a Late Variscan fracture as NW-SE northeasthern-dipping normal fault in the basement. The internal structuration is controlled by NE-SW southeasthern-dipping normal faults.

Fundación Dialnet

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